How to make your guests feel like home: Take the test!

1. You want to ask some friends for dinner at your house. Will you be...
A. … ringing and asking them to come by?
B. … sending them an invitation card?
C. … having a mediator to inform the rest of your circle about the event?
D. … meeting with them and giving them the news?

2. You are in the process of making preparations, so as to welcome your friends. You feel...
A. … anxious, because everything needs to be in order.
B. … relaxed and cool. Friends will excuse the mess and be contented with some pizza and a carton of juice.
C. … excited, doing the cooking, baking and decoration of the house.
D. … angry, swearing at yourself, because everything goes wrong during preparation.

3. Your door bell is ringing... You...
A. … let your guests wait. You' re not entirely dressed, or maybe you need to take a few relaxing breaths before opening the door.
B. … open the door in seconds. You are so excited to see them.
C. … open the door and let them understand how tired or angry you are.
D. … open the door with a kind smile and a wide hug for everyone.

4. You all take a seat and the conversation starts. You..
A. … speak only about you and your successes.
B. … are not much of a talker, or don't feel like talking. Discussion is filled with embarrassing pauses.
C. … start making lots of questions.
D. … express your feelings of deep appreciation towards your friends. You try to offend no one and respect their comfort zone.

5. During dinner, one of your friends say that s/he doesn't like the food. You...
A. … keep your manners, even if you feel a bit offended. You offer to replace his/her dish with something of his/her own satisfaction.
B. … make an unfortunate face, say that you are sorry and promise that the dessert will be     better.
C. … can do nothing about it. You keep eating, even though your guest has stopped.
D. … laugh, making him/her look awkward.

Spoil yourself a bit, you deserve it!

  Hello, guys!!! Look who's back! What have you been up to, lately? Any new adventures? I think you can form a basic idea of what I did ...