Healthy Habits: Yes/No List

 This weekend & beginning of the new month, allow yourself to do something nice with your family. You can work-out together, go to the grocery shop and pick out fresh veggies and fruits, make a trip in the country and breathe some fresh air... Try to create good memories that will keep your spirits high, when it's time to go back to work.

Train yourself to keep a clean mind about everything & try not to take the car when you feel frustrated or angry, because it could be dangerous for you & the other drivers. Relax and focus on what you can control and makes you happy. 

Remember, the best is yet to come!

Skin irritation: How I ended up with yogurt all over my face!

For quite some time now, I have been using a body milk moisturizer for very dry skin, to deal with my dehydrated face skin.

I kept using it,  until it proved dangerous for my face; 
the latter has turned red, all at once, and felt hot, like fever. It was a terrible feeling :(

I immediately informed my beautician about the incident & she told me that the product was not suitable for my skin type:

My skin was dehydrated, yet not dry (Dehydration is a condition & not a skin type!)

Finally, yogurt saved the day... and my face! I applied a rich portion on my skin and left it there, until irritation was gone ;)

Dehydrated skin? Drink more water!

No matter if it's winter & cold & you may not get easily thirsty..., try to drink 
8 cups of water a day, in order to maintain adequate fluid balance & healthy skin!

What I have for breakfast...

For the last few weeks now, I tend to start  my mornings with a healthy meal and some exercise. Thus, I take my colorful bowl & open the kitchen's wardrobe doors, searching for: 

Now let us see some nutrition facts:

Cereals:       Prefer those with low sodium & sugars!

Banana:       Source of minerals for a healthy heart; it balances the electrolytes of our body (especially when we lose fluids through sweating); it also balances sodium levels &  helps our body absorb calcium.

Orange:        Source of Vitamin C (it helps our body absorb better amounts of iron.)

Honey:         Antioxidant and antibacterial.

Grape syrup: It is rich in iron, and has anti-anemic benefits. It is a source of Vitamin (A, C, B6), minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium) & antioxidants.

Cinnamon:    It helps lower blood sugar levels.

Cocoa:          It has antioxidant benefits. It is also high in iron.

Raisins:        Raisins natural sugars keep us warm and energetic. They have antioxidant benefits. They lower blood pressure, cholesterol & blood glucose. They are also, rich in iron.

Almonds:      Good source of iron, and calcium. 

Walnuts:       Good source of protein (iron)

If you like it (   ), please feel free to adopt this morning recipe for breakfast!

P.S. First, make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients above!

Happy memories...

Love Day was wonderful!
We had a nice dinner, many laughs, an emotional moment, 
and quite many gestures of love;
we exchanged many hugs, kisses and kind thoughts.


♪♫ Love is in the air ♪♫
 Just, let us take a deep breath!


P.S. Christine was the one to win my special give-away :)
She got a lovely set of lady eyebrow tweezers 
& a small mirror! 

How to make your guests feel like home: Take the test!

1. You want to ask some friends for dinner at your house. Will you be...
A. … ringing and asking them to come by?
B. … sending them an invitation card?
C. … having a mediator to inform the rest of your circle about the event?
D. … meeting with them and giving them the news?

2. You are in the process of making preparations, so as to welcome your friends. You feel...
A. … anxious, because everything needs to be in order.
B. … relaxed and cool. Friends will excuse the mess and be contented with some pizza and a carton of juice.
C. … excited, doing the cooking, baking and decoration of the house.
D. … angry, swearing at yourself, because everything goes wrong during preparation.

3. Your door bell is ringing... You...
A. … let your guests wait. You' re not entirely dressed, or maybe you need to take a few relaxing breaths before opening the door.
B. … open the door in seconds. You are so excited to see them.
C. … open the door and let them understand how tired or angry you are.
D. … open the door with a kind smile and a wide hug for everyone.

4. You all take a seat and the conversation starts. You..
A. … speak only about you and your successes.
B. … are not much of a talker, or don't feel like talking. Discussion is filled with embarrassing pauses.
C. … start making lots of questions.
D. … express your feelings of deep appreciation towards your friends. You try to offend no one and respect their comfort zone.

5. During dinner, one of your friends say that s/he doesn't like the food. You...
A. … keep your manners, even if you feel a bit offended. You offer to replace his/her dish with something of his/her own satisfaction.
B. … make an unfortunate face, say that you are sorry and promise that the dessert will be     better.
C. … can do nothing about it. You keep eating, even though your guest has stopped.
D. … laugh, making him/her look awkward.

Happy Love Day: Men Gift Guide to impress their lady!

Hello, sweethearts!

Celebrate love with special gifts!

Just walk down the market & you' ll find cute baskets made of straw, or boxes in the shape of a heart, all filled with lovely items...

Teddy bears, chocolate candies, aromatic candles, love hearts, little red roses...

Photo: Aromatic Candle in a martini glass is the perfect gift

you are looking for!

On the wishing card, or note, you can always write a love poem of your own inspiration, just a few lines long.

If you want to make a super impression, you can surprise your lovely lady with a cake in the shape of a heart. A romantic wish written on the cake could be something like “Forever Love!

Hairstyle Basics: How to make a low bun

Feel elegant in just a few minutes...

A. Firstly, brush and part hair in middle.

B. After that, make hair into a ponytail.
Secure the ponytail with a simple hair elastic & then, with the hair bun.

C. Allow head lean slightly forward & spread hair evenly around the bun to cover it up. Hold the bun with your left hand, and use the right hand to hide hair underneath the bun. Fingers move clockwise around the bun, to hide sections of hair. Finally, use bobby pins all around to secure the bun.

              That's it!    Hope you have a wonderful day!

Last fashion on hair: Two braids in one!

Not a secret anymore. All girls love it!

Just follow the directions below & that little extra from me.

Step 1.    Spray water to your hair and comb it while wet.

Step 2.    Divide 3 sections of hair.

Step 3.    Take the middle section, split it in 3 strands and start twisting hair, 

               from root to end, until you make a braid.

Step 4:    After that, use the braid along with the rest 2 sections of hair,

               to create the final braid.

Step 5:    Use hair ties to secure braid at the end.

Extra Tips:

 -   Always use soft hair elastics, so as to avoid damaging your hair 

    while trying to remove them.

-   Use a hat to complete your look, such as a knitted wool cap, or 

     my personal favorite, a trilby hat!   


Code: Healthy nails

Keeping nails clean, strong & healthy is part of a good hygiene.

Knowing the conditions that cause nails to fade, or the skin around the fingernails to dry,

will help us choose the right care products to use for treatment.

1. Summer sun rays

Sunlight cause nails to fade.

For this reason, choose a nail lacquer with a UV rays protection.

2. Digging the soil with bare hands, or walking barefoot on the beach

Not recommended. Fungus and bacteria can develop under the nails of your hands and foot.

Yet, when problem occurs ,there is an anti-fungal formula to deal with it.

3. Nails varnished for a long time

Nails need to breathe, too, otherwise they get a yellow color.

Give your nails a brake, for a while. Let them have their natural color.

4. Poor diet can damage nails keratin

A poor diet in calcium and protein will definitely have a negative impact

on your whole body system, including hair and nails.

A nail lacquer enriched with calcium and protein will come handy, if only you follow 

a nutrition rich in those vitamins.

5. Dehydration and loss of shine

Dehydration can cause nails to lose their shine, and the skin around the fingernails to dry. 

Make sure you drink enough water and consume foods with Vitamins A & E. 

Apply to dry skin and nails, coconut cream, avocado oil, or shea butter.

Best things I got from sales...

1. I got a nice shoulder bag! 

Semi-formal & sportive, at the same!

2. I also got a hygienic mud soap, 

with minerals from the dead sea.

I have been using it for 2 days, 

and my skin feels already clean and breathing.

3. A lustrin purse, in a shiny sky blue, 

was the most challenging piece to choose, in terms of color.

Yet, it is spacious, tidy & suits my new denim shirt!

4.  I got nothing but zero tops. 

Too many annoying stamps, bad quality of cloth, 

& unreasonably high prices.

Buying none of these was definitely the best choice!

5.  Forgot to mention the long, heavy,

 black, formal dress I bought,

with a discreet side cut-out.

Can' t wait to wear it!

Spoil yourself a bit, you deserve it!

  Hello, guys!!! Look who's back! What have you been up to, lately? Any new adventures? I think you can form a basic idea of what I did ...