My fitness routine

Hello, gorgeous!

This period of time, I exercise almost daily, either in the mornings or late in the afternoons. I am doing a variety of aerobic exercises, facial muscle exercises and I'm also taking dance classes.

My dumbbels & exercise mat!

Before I attempt to go through an exercise, I always leave the fitness tutor complete the work-out, while I examine carefully his/her posture(s) and estimate the level of difficulty. When I decide that the exercise is in the range of my capabilities, I follow the tutor's advice so that I avoid any injuries, e.g. For exercises that demand stability, I use a chair as a support before I bring a foot in the air.

When I'm physically tired or sick, I avoid exercising. In this situations, it's always better to take the advice of a physician first, before following a specific set of exercises.

So, what about you? What set of exercises do you follow? Do you work-out at home or at the gym, in the garden, park or by the sea?

Keep well,


Spoil yourself a bit, you deserve it!

  Hello, guys!!! Look who's back! What have you been up to, lately? Any new adventures? I think you can form a basic idea of what I did ...