Seasonal gift ideas! Choose your favorite!

Not so far
 from Christmas
 than you may think! 
Haven't you  started yet 
looking for that perfect gift?
And by the way, what's a perfect gift?
Well, I think what makes a gift unique is
the care and love you show while buying it. 
Here are some cute ideas for a special give-away
to a friend of yours! 

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Body lotion

/////  Eye shadow pallette  \\\\\

A cute jar of jelly sweets

//////  Chocolate bars (with mint!)  \\\\\\

A delicate scarf; a pair of gloves

  ////// A gift card, from a favorite store  \\\\\\\
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Friendship bracelet
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Spoil yourself a bit, you deserve it!

  Hello, guys!!! Look who's back! What have you been up to, lately? Any new adventures? I think you can form a basic idea of what I did ...