Life-Update: Positive changes during the pandemic

 Lately, I have observed some positive additions in my routine. 

1. I've realised that I don't waste food anymore, because in the back of my head there is constantly the idea that many people are starving.

2. My personal care is a number one all hours of the day. Untreated perspiration and bad hair day are in the black list.

3. I got back to reading literature again, which is great because I consider it a luxury.

4. I made some steps towards forgiving people and giving chances for reconciliation.

5. I feel I've found my professional identity, at least during this period of time.

What about you? Can you relate with me? What else do you do to keep yourself sane, creative, clean, fair...?

Spoil yourself a bit, you deserve it!

  Hello, guys!!! Look who's back! What have you been up to, lately? Any new adventures? I think you can form a basic idea of what I did ...